Australian lawyers’ letter re Gaza


  1. More than 1400 lawyers signed an open letter to Australian elected representatives dated 8 November 2023 (see below under Original Open Letter).
  2. A reply to this letter was circulated on 3 December 2023.
  3. The organisers of the Original Open Letter have published a Response (see below under Response to reply letter), dated 15 December 2023.

The organisers also hosted a forum on Israel, Palestine and International Humanitarian Law on Tuesday 19 December 2023 at 1pm. It was for both lawyers and non-lawyers and featured Rawan Arraf (Executive Director & Principal Lawyer, The Australian Centre For International Justice), Melanie O’Brien (A/Professor Of International Law, President Of The International Association Of Genocide Scholars), and Greg Barns SC, Barrister. Special thanks to APHEDA for hosting us, you can find out about their work and donate to their emergency Gaza appeal here:

You can watch a recording here:

Response to reply letter

15 December 2023

Dear Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for Defence and Attorney General

We sent you an Open Letter on 8 November 2023, signed by over 1,400 Australian lawyers ( The letter called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to escalating violence in the West Bank. We explained the relevant laws and how they applied to the facts reported by independent organisations, including the United Nations. We concluded that the violence had gone beyond what was permissible under international law and that there was evidence of atrocity crimes.

A reply was published on 3 December 2023, which we believe was also sent to you ( The reply included flawed legal arguments that do not reflect the majority legal opinion. The argument rejected the facts reported by independent international organisations and called into question their credibility. We are disappointed that Australian lawyers would sign such a letter. We have attached our response to the 3 December 2023 letter of reply.

We request that the Australian Government provide the legal advice it has received regarding the conduct of the actors in this conflict and explain how it is meeting its legal obligations.

We have not received a response to the original Open Letter from any of your offices other than an acknowledgement of receipt.


Simon Miller, Lizzie O’Shea, Greg Barns SC, Benedict Coyne, Dr Rachel Coghlan, Rawan Arraf, Rita Jabri Markwell, Dr Melanie O’Brien

Response to Reply Letter

“Sadly, I feel compelled to state that Palestinian lives are not worth less than British, Australian or Israeli. Yes, this is war and people die in war, but even wars have laws. They are essential to minimise human suffering. What we are witnessing is an Israeli military operation that is clearly getting the proportionality calculation wrong,” 

Hector Sharp, a lawyer in Gaza employed by the United Nations and signatory of the Open Letter

In one of the largest shows of solidarity by the Australian legal profession, nearly 1,400 Australian lawyers signed an open letter (Open Letter) in early November calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to escalating violence in the West Bank.

The Open Letter sets out the relevant law and then applies that law to the facts as reported by UN agencies and other independent bodies. It concluded that the well-accepted limits of international law, human rights law and the law of armed conflict had been exceeded, and that there was mounting evidence that atrocity crimes had been committed.

A letter of reply was published in Australia on 3 December 2023 (Reply Letter). The Reply Letter includes a combination of novel and fundamentally flawed legal arguments to claim a proportionate response on the part of the State of Israel.  This reasoning is in stark contrast to the preponderance of legal opinion globally from experts in the field. The Reply Letter’s analysis rests on a rejection of the facts as reported and observed by international organisations on the ground and as seen in news reports and on video feeds before our eyes. 

The President of the International Committee of the Red Cross – the independent body charged with stewardship for international humanitarian law – stated, “The level of human suffering is intolerable. It is unacceptable that civilians have no safe place to go in Gaza, and with a military siege in place, there is also no adequate humanitarian response currently possible.” 

On 6 December, the UN’s Emergency Relief Coordinator described the Israeli military operation as creating an “apocalyptic” situation in Gaza. The Director of UNRWA affairs in Gaza, Thomas White, tweeted last Friday: “Civil order is breaking down in Gaza – the streets feel wild, particularly after dark – some aid convoys are being looted and UN vehicles stoned. Society is on the brink of full-blown collapse.” 

The independent UN Special Procedures experts have warned that “the failure to urgently implement a ceasefire risks this situation spiralling towards a genocide conducted with 21st century means and methods of warfare.”

By contrast, the signatories to the Reply Letter offer that “such suffering is a regrettable but unavoidable consequence of an armed conflict”. To suggest that what has been and is being inflicted upon the civilian population has been “unavoidable” is extraordinary. 

The Financial Times has reported that the level of damage from the bombing of northern Gaza surpasses the bombing of Dresden in World War II, which is often used as a benchmark for massive urban destruction. The bombing of Dresden took place prior to the adoption of the Fourth Geneva Convention in 1949 which stipulates that warring parties have an obligation to protect civilians, however it is often cited as one of the examples of the horrors from World War II, which inspired the drafting of the Fourth Geneva Convention in response.

Within one month after 7 October the Israeli military had already dropped the equivalent level of explosives of two nuclear bombs on the Gaza Strip. Israeli news agency Haaretz has published an analysis that describes “unprecedented killing” by Israeli forces in Gaza, with the ratio of civilians killed significantly higher than the average civilian toll in all the conflicts around the world during the 20th century. The Israeli military has killed more children in just two months than all conflicts combined in the world for the entire year of 2022. It is difficult to accept that such a high number of casualties was “unavoidable” by one of the world’s most advanced and well-equipped military forces, especially when investigative journalism shows their military was aware of children’s presence in targets before launching and that alleged precautions to protect civilians are not being taken

Not even the US – which acts as the Israel government’s persistent shield from accountability for transgressions of international law – can stretch this far. The US Vice President, Kamala Harris, has stated that “too many innocent Palestinians have been killed” and the US Secretary of State on 8 December stated that “almost a week into this campaign in the south after the end of the humanitarian pause, it is imperative that Israel put a premium on civilian protection, and there does remain a gap between the intent to protect civilians, and the actual results that we’re seeing on the ground.”

The Reply Letter seeks to excuse civilian suffering in pursuit of military tactics and strategy. Military strategy does not sit above Israel’s legal obligations, including adherence to the Geneva Conventions. 

However, multiple widely-publicised comments by Israeli officials and politicians make plain that the military operation in Gaza is being undertaken with what could be described as, at best, a reckless disregard for international law and, at worst, genocidal intent. This includes statements by the Israeli President, Prime Minister and Minister for Defence. 

This evidence has implications for the Australian Government. Dr Melanie O’Brien, President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars and signatory to the Open Letter, has stated: “Treaty obligations such as those under the Genocide Convention mean that Australia must act to prevent and punish genocide.” It is not enough for Australia to sit by and watch events unfold in Gaza while not taking all means available to it to discourage such action. The Australian Government is on further notice of its obligation under the Genocide Convention, the ICC Statute and  the UN Charter as well a numerous other conventions.

That Gaza remains under Israeli occupation is the position of the: International Court of Justice; International Criminal Court; UN General Assembly and Security Council; all UN bodies and agencies; and even the Australian Government. The Reply Letter’s position that Gaza is not occupied is deliberate obfuscation of actual legal fact. As the Occupying Power, Israel has an obligation to provide for the basic needs of the protected civilian populations in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and to facilitate humanitarian aid by third party actors. 

The Reply Letter places a heavy emphasis on comments from politicians casting doubt about the accuracy of reporting of fatalities by the Gaza Ministry of Health. The Lancet has reported no evidence of any inflated mortality reporting. It pointedly warns that “public scepticism of the current reports by the Gaza Ministry of Health might undermine the efforts to reduce civilian harm and provide life-saving assistance.”

Unlike signatories to the Reply Letter who dangerously and irresponsibly allege an ‘institutional bias’ on the part of the United Nations against Israel, we hold respect for the legitimacy and credibility of international humanitarian organisations and their representatives. The position put in the Reply Letter echoes the frankly preposterous statement by Prime Minister Netanyahu that investigations of war crimes by Israel are antisemitic. The claim that accountability mechanisms constitute anti-semitism undermines the fundamentals of universal application of human rights. The ICC has announced its intention to investigate possible war crimes committed in both Israel and Gaza, through its prosecutor. The International Court of Justice has also been requested to provide an advisory opinion about events in the region prior to October 7, specifically the ‘ongoing violation by Israel of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, from its prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967.’ Such initiatives are necessary and appropriate if international law is to have any meaning or weight. 

We urge the Australian Government to reverse its previous position of opposing such ICC investigations into Israel and Hamas. Palestinian and Israeli victims groups have the right to justice, accountability and redress and the ICC provides one such avenue.

A key objective of the original Open Letter was to make clear that a priority of the international humanitarian law framework is the protection of civilians, and this is not conditional or optional.  The events of 7 October, which were heinous, do not excuse the scale of the destruction and Israel’s conduct since. The position put in the Open Letter is consistent with the statement from Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner General of UNWRA: “Calling for an end to the decimation of Gaza and its people is not a denial of the atrocities of 7 October. It is the opposite. It is recognition of the equal rights of all people – recognition that is essential to the future of Palestinians and Israelis alike.”  We concur with the sentiment expressed in the joint statement from leaders of the world’s largest humanitarian organisations that “the harrowing events unfolding before us are shaping a global narrative that, if unchanged, will reveal a legacy of indifference in the face of unspeakable suffering, bias in the application of the laws of conflict and impunity for actors that violate international humanitarian law.”

We do not resile from any statement of law or its application to the facts as published in the Open Letter. To our sadness, the further suffering and destruction since the publication of the Open Letter only serves to reinforce and strengthen the position at law.

We are pleased to see that Australia voted in favour of the recent resolution of the UN General Assembly calling for an immediate ceasefire. We support the comments made in a joint statement by leaders of Australia, New Zealand and Canada that:

Israel must respect international humanitarian law. Civilians and civilian infrastructure must be protected. We are alarmed at the diminishing safe space for civilians in Gaza… 

We remain deeply concerned by the scale of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and ongoing risks to all Palestinian civilians…

We support Palestinians’ right to self-determination. We oppose the forcible displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, the re-occupation of Gaza, any reduction in territory, and any use of siege or blockade. We reaffirm that settlements are illegal under international law. Settlements and settler violence are serious obstacles to a negotiated two-state solution.

We request that the Australian Government do all it can to advocate for the UN resolution to be operationalised with urgency and enact consequences where parties do not comply.

We request that the Australian Government publish the legal advice it has received with regard to the conduct of the actors in this conflict and outline the steps undertaken to meet its legal obligations.

Original Open Letter

8 November 2023

Dear Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for Defence and Attorney General

We the undersigned, legal practitioners and legal academics, in Australia, dedicated to upholding the rule of law both domestically and internationally, call on the Australian Government to act without delay to fulfil its international legal obligations in relation to the ever-escalating and horrific conflict in the Middle East.

The death, trauma and other harm visited on individuals, families and whole communities in the last month has been devastating. The well-accepted limits of international law, human rights law, and the law of armed conflict have been exceeded. There is mounting evidence that atrocity crimes have been committed.

Atrocity crimes are considered to be the most serious crimes against humankind. Their status as international crimes is based on the belief that the acts associated with them affect the core dignity of human beings.

International law is not being upheld.

We call on the Australian Government to uphold international law by:

  1. Exerting its influence to secure a ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank, and to ensure urgently the adequate provision of food, fuel, medicine and other humanitarian assistance to Gaza, and the unconditional restoration of water and electricity;
  2. Acting urgently to ensure that international law is complied with and fundamental human rights are protected;
  3. Advocating for an end to the occupation of Palestine and a just peace for all people in the region based on equal rights; and
  4. Halting defence exports to Israel, confirming what military-specific goods have been provided with the 322 export permits granted between 1 January 2017 and 31 March 2023 and whether these defence goods are being used in accordance with international law.

To add your name, please fill out this form:

*The views and opinions expressed in this letter are those of the signatories and are not intended to reflect the official policy or position of their employers, or the organisations of which they are members or otherwise represent.

**This letter remains open for signature by lawyers and legal academics in Australia.

***The signatories are grateful for the assistance of the drafters of the UK letter in preparing this correspondence.

All facts and figures were correct as at the date of drafting (3 November 2023).

Names are alphabetised to 1000, after which, listed in order of signing.


  1. Dacia Abela, Lawyer
  2. Claudia Abdallah, Lawyer
  3. Nancy Abdalla, Lawyer
  4. Nora Abdalla, Barrister
  5. Nada Abdel-fattah, Lawyer
  6. Sarwa Abdelraheem, Barrister
  7. Engy Abdelsalam, Lawyer 
  8. Nidal Abdi, Solicitor
  9. Ayan Abdirashid Ali, Law Student
  10. Ronya Abdul Rahman, Lawyer
  11. Alaa Abdul-Ridha, Research Fellow
  12. Zainab Abou-Eid, Solicitor
  13. Mariam Aboulfadil, Lawyer
  14. Joanna Abraham, Lecturer
  15. Sam Abraham, Senior Lawyer
  16. Maram Abu-Samen, Solicitor
  17. Mona Abu Zalaf, Lawyer
  18. Lisanne Adam, Lecturer
  19. Matthew Adam, Solicitor
  20. Ehab Afiouny, Lawyer
  21. Sameena Ahmad, Lawyer
  22. Shams Ahmad, Lawyer
  23. Hassiba Ahmar, Senior Lawyer
  24. Tanvir Ahmed, Solicitor
  25. Wajiha Ahmed, Partner
  26. Hanna Aili, Lawyer
  27. Tanya Ajwani, Lawyer
  28. Yasemin Akbulut, Solicitor
  29. Ahmad Akram, Lawyer
  30. Yusur Al-Azzawi, Barrister
  31. Hamza Alameddine, Principal Solicitor
  32. Zahraa Algalele, Solicitor
  33. Ammaar Ali, Lawyer
  34. Amran Ali, Lawyer
  35. Jasmine Ali, Lawyer
  36. Shaheenah Ali, Solicitor
  37. Tasnim Ali, Lawyer
  38. Yalda Ali, Lawyer
  39. Adam Al-Hayek, Law Student
  40. Samer Al Janabi, Solicitor 
  41. Sarah Aljassim, Lawyer
  42. Eadie Allen, Solicitor
  43. Shahad Al Majed, Solicitor
  44. Hatem Allam, Lawyer
  45. Samiha Alameddine, Solicitor
  46. Roni Aloe, Lawyer
  47. Amna Altaf, Lawyer
  48. Asad Ansari, Lawyer
  49. Halima Ansari, Solicitor
  50. Thalia Anthony, Professor
  51. Jamie Antonopoulos, Lawyer
  52. Faheem Anwar, Barrister
  53. Rebecca Aoukar, Barrister
  54. Taufiq Arahman, Solicitor
  55. Anahita Arian, Lawyer
  56. Ali Sekandar Arif, Lawyer
  57. Sara Arnold, Lawyer
  58. Therese Aroyan, Lawyer
  59. Rawan Arraf, Executive Director, Principal Lawyer
  60. Riley Arthur, Law Graduate
  61. Arusha Ashraf, Lawyer
  62. Priyanka Ashraf, Solicitor
  63. Sylvia Atsalis, Solicitor
  64. Shahara Attai, Solicitor
  65. Elias Attia, Legal practitioner
  66. Reshma Mary Mathew Augustine, Lawyer
  67. Sarah Azar, Associate
  68. Hasan Aziz, Lawyer
  69. Nicola Ayers, Senior Associate
  70. Bill Baarini, Lawyer
  71. Walid Babakarkhil, Lawyer
  72. Melissa Bader, Senior Associate
  73. Donna Bagnall, Lawyer 
  74. Manal Bahsa, Solicitor
  75. Daniel Bakewell, Lawyer
  76. Waffa Bakfalouni, Solicitor
  77. Natalie Bakri, Solicitor
  78. Yasser Bakri, Barrister
  79. Nitika Balaram, Lawyer
  80. Julian Balloot, Principal Solicitor
  81. Huiran Ban, Law Graduate
  82. Sanah Banihali, Lawyer
  83. Greg Barns SC, Barrister
  84. Bassett Baqeri, Lawyer
  85. Rose Barnsley, Lawyer
  86. Dr Olivia Barr, Associate Professor
  87. Alexandra Barry, Senior Associate
  88. Cevdet Osman Basiacik, Principal lawyer
  89. Ushna Bashir, Lawyer
  90. Louisa Bassini, Managing Lawyer
  91. Sarah Bastian-Jordan, Lawyer
  92. Paul Batley, Barrister
  93. Tom Battersby, Barrister
  94. Maram Bayad, Solicitor
  95. Nuha Bayad, Principal Solicitor
  96. Lawson Bayly, Lawyer
  97. Emilija Beljic, Barrister
  98. Naz Besavend, Lawyer
  99. Jessica Best, Solicitor
  100. Yumi Bhattarai, Solicitor
  101. Sabrina Bhuiyan, Associate 
  102. Laura Bianchi, Lawyer
  103. Shiraz Biscevic, Lawyer
  104. Lorena Bisignano, Higher Degree Research Candidate
  105. Jennifer Black, Lawyer
  106. Manisha Blencowe, solicitor
  107. Alex Blennerhassett, Senior Associate
  108. Shifrah Blustein, Lawyer
  109. Kimani Boden, Lawyer
  110. Andrew Boe, Barrister
  111. Sajid Bokhari, Lawyer
  112. Colleen Bolger, Lawyer
  113. Alex Bomford, Lawyer
  114. Alysha Bond, Lawyer and Academic
  115. Taylor Bono, Lawyer
  116. Kieran Bonser, Lawyer
  117. Jessica Border, Solicitor
  118. Andrew Bouris, Legal Practitioner
  119. Evgenia Bourova, Research Fellow
  120. Joshua Boyes, Senior Associate
  121. Susie Breuer, Solicitor
  122. Madeleine Bridgett, Barrister
  123. Isobel Brinin, Senior Solicitor
  124. Jim Brooks, Principal
  125. Claire Brown, Lawyer
  126. Gabriel Brown, Solicitor
  127. Elizabeth Browne, Lawyer
  128. Carlotta Bruessel, Senior Associate
  129. Michael Brull, Lawyer 
  130. Ashleigh Buckett, Solicitor
  131. Lachlan Buckley, Lawyer 
  132. Francesca Bucolo, Lawyer
  133. Lauren Bull, Barrister
  134. Zarah Burgess, Barrister and Solicitor 
  135. Louisa Burke, Solicitor
  136. Kim Busuttil, Lawyer
  137. Eva Buzo, Barrister
  138. Sabeera Cader, Lawyer
  139. Gemma Cafarella, Barrister
  140. Austyn Campbell, Solicitor
  141. Megan Campbell, Lawyer
  142. Rebecca Campbell, Solicitor
  143. Olivia Campion, Solicitor
  144. Lee Carnie, Human Rights Lawyer
  145. Sarah Carr, Barrister 
  146. Clare Carter, Lawyer
  147. Daisy-May Carty Cowling, Senior Lawyer
  148. Annalise Catania, Senior Lawyer
  149. Ena Catovic, Lawyer
  150. Nina Catovic, Legal Counsel 
  151. Amelia Causley-Todd, Associate
  152. Francesca Cavadini, Solicitor
  153. Rachael Chadwick, Senior Lawyer
  154. Esra Chaouk, Lawyer
  155. Jessica Chapman, Senior Associate
  156. Vanessa Chau, Special Counsel
  157. Umeya Chaudhuri, Lawyer
  158. Asiya Chebbo, Lawyer
  159. Amanda Cheevers, Senior Lawyer
  160. Melissa Chen, Senior Lawyer
  161. Sandy Chen, Senior Lawyer
  162. Rayann Cherry, Lawyer
  163. Phoebe Chester, Lawyer
  164. Richard Chidiac, Lawyer
  165. Ying Chin, Lawyer
  166. Mohammad Chokr, Solicitor
  167. Inayah Choudhury, Paralegal
  168. Aasma Chougle, Lawyer 
  169. Jayne Christian, Lawyer
  170. Danielle Christoforou, Lawyer
  171. Phoebe Churches, Lawyer
  172. Cristy Clark, Associate Professor
  173. Dr Martin Clark, Law Lecturer 
  174. Dr Sevda Clark, Lecturer
  175. Julian Cleary, Policy Officer 
  176. James Clifford, Lawyer
  177. Sophie Coleman, General Counsel 
  178. Lucy Conway, Senior Associate
  179. Brandan Cooper, Barrister
  180. Rhys Cooper, Lawyer
  181. Anna Copeland, Associate Professor
  182. Alexander Copeland, Law Student
  183. Amanda Coppen, Lawyer
  184. Lydia Corcoran, Lawyer
  185. Deniz Coskundag, Law Graduate
  186. Emma Costa, Lawyer
  187. Benedict Coyne, Barrister
  188. Hugh Crosthwaite, Barrister
  189. Grace Crowley-Shaw, Solicitor
  190. Zena Dabboussy-Bardouh, Legal practitioner
  191. Rayan Dabliz, Principal Solicitor
  192. Rima Dabliz, Solicitor
  193. Jinan Daher, Lawyer
  194. Lamia Daher, Lawyer
  195. Sarah Daher, Lawyer
  196. Rima Daher, Lawyer
  197. Kavih Dajee, Lawyer
  198. Sarah Dale, Centre Director & Principal Solicitor
  199. Jordan Daly, Senior Lawyer
  200. Omar Dannawi, Solicitor
  201. Tamana Daqiq, Principal Solicitor
  202. Mona Darwiche, Legal Director
  203. Azadeh Dastyari, Professor
  204. Kate Davis, Lawyer, PhD Candidate
  205. Daniela Davis, Lawyer 
  206. Zoe Davis, Lawyer
  207. Laura Dawson, Barrister
  208. James Day, Lawyer
  209. Nadia Deeb, Lawyer
  210. Dr Julia Dehm, Senior Lecturer
  211. Dr Sara Dehm, Senior Lecturer
  212. Lisa De Luca, Solicitor
  213. Lehana De Silva, Solicitor
  214. Shenali De Silva, Legal Practitioner
  215. Jeylan Deniz, Solicitor Advocate
  216. Elizabeth Devine, Solicitor
  217. Foez Dewan, Principal
  218. Thomas Dews, Lawyer
  219. Sandeep Dhillon, Lawyer
  220. Hannah Dickinson, Principal Solicitor
  221. Sara Dofash, Solicitor
  222. Elliot Dolan-Evans, Assistant Lecturer
  223. Rebecca Dominguez, Principal Solicitor
  224. Sheneli Dona, Lawyer
  225. Emily Dong, Law Student
  226. Anna Dorevitch, Managing Lawyer
  227. Eleanor Doyle-Markwick
  228. Sam Drummond, Lawyer
  229. Alice Drury, Human Rights Lawyer 
  230. Lila D’souza, Lawyer
  231. Catherine Eagle, Lawyer
  232. James Eddington, Lawyer
  233. Hassan Ehsan, Senior Associate
  234. Jarrah Ekstein, Solicitor
  235. Hussein Elachkar, Barrister
  236. Sarah Elahmad, Solicitor
  237. Mohammed Elakhras, Lawyer
  238. Kousai Elali, Lawyer
  239. Tarek El Amine, Principal
  240. Maria Elander, Senior Lecturer
  241. Sera Sarah El-Assaad, Principal Solicitor
  242. Mona El Baba, Principal Lawyer
  243. Najla El Badawi, Solicitor
  244. Theresa Elhage, Lawyer
  245. Sarah El Hallak, Lawyer
  246. Ibrahim El-Harris, Lawyer
  247. Hassan El Husseini, Principal
  248. Fatimah El-Kordi, Lawyer
  249. Sarah Elmasri, Lawyer
  250. Stacey Ella, Principal Legal Officer
  251. Ahmed El Saafen, Solicitor
  252. Zenab Elsoukmani, Lawyer
  253. Ziaad El-Tabar, Lawyer
  254. Gretel Emerson, Solicitor
  255. Justine Emerson, Solicitor
  256. Hanifi Erboy, Lawyer
  257. Chiara Erougian, Law Student
  258. Cassandra Van Estrop, Lawyer
  259. Allen Eter, Solicitor
  260. Lindsay Evans, Lawyer
  261. Trina Faaiuaso, Solicitor
  262. Jack Faine, Solicitor
  263. Ahmed Jaman Faisal, Solicitor
  264. Mehzabin Farazi, Solicitor
  265. Kamal Farouque, Lawyer
  266. Danielle Fasi, Principal Solicitor
  267. Baneen Fatima, Law Student
  268. Regina Featherstone, Senior Lawyer
  269. Brighid Feeney, Lawyer
  270. Melissa Ferlaino, Lawyer
  271. Daniel Fernando Moya, Principal Lawyer
  272. Sarah Fetherstonhaugh, Senior Solicitor
  273. Talitha Fishburn, Barrister
  274. Terry Fisher, Solicitor
  275. Warwick Fisher, Law Academic
  276. Frances Flanagan, Lecturer
  277. Lisa Fowler, Lawyer
  278. Rochelle Francis, Lawyer
  279. Lorne Franks, Senior Associate
  280. Eddie James Fraser, Legal Practitioner
  281. Gemma Freeman, Solicitor
  282. Olivia Freeman, Solicitor
  283. Tobias Freeman, Lawyer
  284. Juliana Frizziero, Associate
  285. Margarita Fudim, Barrister
  286. Neal Funnell, Barrister
  287. Leticia Funston, Lawyer
  288. Chris Gall, Lawyer
  289. Briana Ganesharajah, Lawyer 
  290. Dr Felicity Gerry KC, Barrister
  291. Sara Ghafar, Lawyer
  292. Lilianna Ghamraoui, Legal Counsel
  293. Saloni Gandhi, Associate
  294. Usman Ghani, Legal Practitioner
  295. Ross Galvin, Senior Lawyer
  296. Jane Garnett, Lawyer
  297. Jack Garton, Law Student
  298. Sam Ghassani, Managing Partner
  299. Sousan Ghecham, Solicitor
  300. Guy Gilbert SC, Barrister (retired)
  301. Mahnoor Gillani, Lawyer
  302. Amelia Gilroy, Solicitor
  303. Catherine Gleeson SC, Barrister
  304. Michael Gleeson, Crown Prosecutor
  305. Vina Godreim, Solicitor
  306. William Goldsbrough-Reardon, Lawyer
  307. Eric Gonzales, Associate
  308. Hannah Gordon, Lawyer
  309. Shivani Gosai, Legal Counsel
  310. Radha Govil, Lawyer
  311. Timothy Goyder, Senior Associate
  312. Cynthia Grahame, Lawyer
  313. Dr Kathryn Greenman, Senior Lecturer
  314. Saira Griffin, Lawyer
  315. Natasha Griffiths, Lawyer
  316. Joanna Gu, Lawyer
  317. Danielle Guesdon, Barrister
  318. Min Guo, Barrister
  319. Shivika Gupta, Lawyer
  320. Felicity Graham, Barrister
  321. Dr Laetitia-Ann Greeff, Researcher
  322. Mardi Grivas, Lawyer
  323. Selsela Habibi, Solicitor
  324. Reem Hacioglou, Principal Lawyer
  325. Bahira Hadzic, Lawyer
  326. Zahra Haideri, Solicitor
  327. Callum Hair, Lawyer
  328. Salma Hajhusein, Senior Lawyer
  329. Saba Hakim, Lawyer
  330. Rochelle Hallasso, Solicitor
  331. Gemma Hallett, Lawyer
  332. Katrene Halteh, Lawyer
  333. Malik Hameed, Associate
  334. Feras Hamdan, Lawyer
  335. Rema Hamdan, Legal Counsel
  336. Fia Hamid-Walker, Lawyer
  337. Ruby Hamilton, Solicitor
  338. Wallis Hamilton, Lawyer
  339. Sara Hamka, Legal Counsel
  340. Zainab Hamka, Lawyer
  341. Paris Hamrey, Lawyer
  342. Tim Hancock, Partner
  343. Justin Handisurya, Solicitor
  344. Melissa Hanna, Lawyer
  345. Mihan Hannan, Partner
  346. Patrick Hannan, Lawyer 
  347. Tasnia Alam Hannan, Lawyer
  348. Brice Hamack, Senior Solicitor
  349. Gary Hansell, Senior Lawyer
  350. Humairaa Haque, Senior Lawyer
  351. Gabriella Harb, Lawyer
  352. Buse Harper, Solicitor
  353. Len Hartnett, Barrister
  354. Jasmine Harris, Lawyer
  355. Penny Harris, General Counsel
  356. Jamea Harris, Legal Counsel
  357. Ben Hart, Barrister 
  358. Tavan Hasan, Lawyer
  359. Tamanna Hashemee, Lawyer
  360. Lara Hassan, Graduate Lawyer
  361. Mahmud Hawila, Lawyer
  362. Rachel Hay, Solicitor
  363. Ruby Haynes, Legal Practitioner
  364. Rayan Hazim, Associate
  365. Emma Hearn, Solicitor
  366. Simon Henderson, Legal Scholar
  367. Dr Stacey Henderson, Senior Law Lecturer
  368. Samantha Henry, Lawyer
  369. Iresha Herath, Lawyer
  370. Sarah Herford, Lawyer
  371. Kennan Herkiloglu, Company Secretary
  372. Christopher Hicks, Special Counsel
  373. Damian Hicks, Director
  374. Elizabeth Hicks, Postdoctoral Researcher
  375. Mark Higgins, Barrister
  376. Jack Hill, Lawyer
  377. Kara Hill, Lawyer
  378. Kate Hill, Solicitor
  379. Natalie Ho, Paralegal
  380. Carol Hoang, Solicitor
  381. Nazli Hocaoglu, Lawyer
  382. Martin Hodgson, Senior Advocate
  383. Kirsten Hoffman, Law Graduate
  384. Dr Jessie Hohmann, Associate Professor
  385. Eleanor Holden, Solicitor
  386. Yvette Holt, Lecturer
  387. Chris Honnery, Barrister
  388. Tamar Hopkins, Lawyer
  389. Nemesia Hood, Solicitor
  390. David Hooke SC, Barrister
  391. Dr Sarah Hook, Senior Lecturer
  392. Jarin Hossain, Graduate Lawyer 
  393. Basel Houchar, Senior Associate
  394. Genevieve Howe, Solicitor
  395. Sean Howe, Solicitor
  396. Wallace Huang, Solicitor
  397. Jordan Hunt, Lawyer
  398. Monique Hurley, Human Rights Lawyer 
  399. Stephanie Hurrell, Senior Solicitor
  400. Sabreen Hussain, Law Graduate
  401. Saya Hussain, Lawyer
  402. Ahmad Hussein, Principal Lawyer
  403. Arif Hussein, Lawyer
  404. Guner Hussein, Principal Lawyer
  405. Hayriye Hussein, Lawyer
  406. Laika Hussein, Lawyer
  407. Najd Hussein, Lawyer
  408. Basem Ibrahim, Lawyer
  409. Sarah Ibrahim, Lawyer
  410. Fahid Ifthekhar, Lawyer
  411. Lola Imawan, Lawyer
  412. Dylan Ioannou-Booth, Barrister
  413. Amie Igoe-Josephs, Lawyer
  414. Joseph Ishow, Lawyer
  415. Aisha Ismail, Lawyer
  416. Nina Israil, Lawyer 
  417. Faraz Jafri, Senior Associate
  418. Caity Jakeman, Lawyer
  419. Ammar Jamal-Eddine, Lawyer
  420. Iman Jamal-Eddine, Solicitor
  421. Tahmina Jamall, Senior Associate
  422. Hon Greg James AM KC, Barrister
  423. Isabelle James, Solicitor
  424. Nirvan Jamshidpey, Solicitor
  425. Rosaleen Jeffries, Solicitor
  426. Sophie Jest, Lawyer
  427. Shardai Jimenez, Lawyer
  428. Winnie Jobanputra, Lawyer
  429. James Johanson, Lawyer
  430. Laura John, Senior Lawyer
  431. Joseph Johnson, Solicitor
  432. Irina Jovic, Senior Associate
  433. Madeleine Joseph, Lawyer
  434. Sarah Joseph, Professor 
  435. Jasmine Joyan, Lawyer
  436. Dr Richard Joyce, Senior Lecturer 
  437. Muhammad Jradi, Senior Associate
  438. Milad Juma, Partner
  439. Linda Jurevic, Academic and Lawyer
  440. Barbara Juric, Legal Counsel 
  441. Rayan Kadadi, Solicitor
  442. Georgia Kalyniuk, Lawyer
  443. Olia Kamereddine, Law Student
  444. Chandni Kantaria, Lawyer
  445. Anna Karanikolas, Lawyer
  446. John Karkar KC, Barrister
  447. Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM, Lawyer
  448. Nadia Karim, Lawyer 
  449. Sahar Karimi, Lawyer
  450. Asad Kasim-Khan, Lawyer
  451. Mark Kassem, Lawyer
  452. Fatima Kassira, Lawyer
  453. Simon Katterl, Advocate
  454. Betul Kaygisiz, Lawyer
  455. Zain Ismail Kazi, Partner
  456. Zehra Kazmi, Lawyer
  457. Michal Kedem, Senior Lawyer
  458. Heidi Keighran, Principal Solicitor
  459. Stephen Keim, Barrister
  460. Megan Kelly, Lawyer
  461. Mary Anne Kenny, Associate Professor
  462. Tamara Kenny, Solicitor
  463. Dr Adil Hasan Khan, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  464. Kamran Khalid, Lawyer 
  465. Nazley Khan, Solicitor
  466. Sama Khank Associate
  467. Sonia Khalili, Lawyer
  468. Heela Khatiz, Solicitor
  469. Sarah Khattab, Lawyer
  470. Ahmed Kheir, Solicitor
  471. Majed Kheir, Solicitor
  472. Mohammed Kheir, Lawyer
  473. Mark Khouri, Senior Associate
  474. Kirsty Khristo, Legal Counsel
  475. Catherine Kirkpatrick, Lawyer
  476. Amelia Klein, Solicitor
  477. Ghena Krayem, Associate Professor
  478. Sally Krutsch, Senior Lawyer
  479. Rabea Khan, Barrister
  480. Sarah Khan, Principal Solicitor
  481. Zaid Khan, Barrister
  482. Kaled Kheir, Partner
  483. Moustafa Kheir, Director
  484. Alliah Khzam, Law Clerk
  485. Seda Kilic, Lawyer
  486. Justine Kilkenny, Lawyer
  487. Alexander Klein, Barrister
  488. Tashi Klose, Lawyer
  489. Amy Knibbs, Solicitor and PhD candidate
  490. Mayomi Kondasinghe, Lawyer
  491. Sarah Koura, (almost) Graduate Lawyer
  492. Edvina Kuburas, Lawyer
  493. Nagisa Kumagai, Solicitor
  494. Sanjeevene Kumar, Legal Practitioner
  495. Rana Kurban, Lawyer
  496. Inigo Kwan-Parsons, Senior Associate
  497. Dr Joanna Kyriakakis, Senior Lecturer
  498. Francesca Lai, Managing Lawyer
  499. Will Laksana, Lawyer
  500. Katrina Lamaro, Criminal Lawyer
  501. Lekha Lankela, Lawyer
  502. Dominique Lardner, Lawyer
  503. Anuksha-Nicolette Lata, Lawyer
  504. Jennifer Laurence, Lawyer
  505. Christopher Lawrance, Lawyer
  506. Ashleigh Lawrence, Lawyer
  507. Hayley Le, Partner
  508. Sophie Leaver, Human Rights Lawyer
  509. Carolyn Ledinh, Senior Associate 
  510. Stephanie Lee, Lawyer
  511. Nicki Lees, Solicitor
  512. Gemma Leigh-Dodds, Senior Associate
  513. Dr Eve Lester, Research Fellow
  514. Jacinta Lewin, Solicitor 
  515. Lisa Li, Law Graduate
  516. Kiri-Ana Libbesson, Senior Legal Counsel
  517. Terri Libesman, Associate Professor
  518. Courtney Liddle, Solicitor
  519. Rachel Liebhaber, Lawyer
  520. Andrew Liew, Lawyer
  521. Hieng Lim, Lawyer
  522. Leonardi Lim, Lawyer
  523. Netania Lim, Solicitor
  524. Dr Dylan Lino, Senior Lecturer
  525. Emily Long, Solicitor
  526. Craig Longman, Professor and Barrister
  527. Mahalia Lodge, Senior Lawyer
  528. Crishelle Lopez, Associate
  529. Zahra Lotfollahi, Lecturer
  530. Jane Lovett, Lawyer
  531. Cathal Lynch, Lawyer
  532. Catherine Macarounas, Associate
  533. Dr Gwynn MacCarrick, Legal Academic
  534. Angus Mackenzie, Barrister 
  535. Georgia Macqueen-Gamble, Lawyer
  536. Renee Magee, Associate
  537. Amy Maguire, Associate Professor
  538. Rowena Maguire, Professor
  539. Batool Mahdi, Paralegal
  540. Sam Majzoub, Senior Associate
  541. Amira Makki, Lawyer
  542. Tahsin Malek, Principal Solicitor
  543. Khushbu Malhotra, Senior Lawyer
  544. John Maloney, Barrister
  545. Kate Marchesi, Principal Lawyer
  546. Elena Marchetti, Professor
  547. Najeh Marhaba, Partner
  548. Layla Marhabi, Law Student
  549. Jessica Marsh, Lawyer
  550. Rita Jabri Markwell, Lawyer
  551. Leah Marrone, Barrister
  552. Cassandra Martin, Senior Lawyer
  553. Eleanor Martin, Lawyer
  554. Sarah Maskal, Lawyer
  555. Rachel Mason, Solicitor
  556. Tina Masrour, Principal Lawyer
  557. Brian Massone, Solicitor
  558. Jovana Mastilovic, Adjunct Researcher
  559. Pious Matimati, Solicitor
  560. Dr Ingrid Matthews, Lecturer
  561. Tess Matthews, Lawyer
  562. Benjamin Mayne, Lawyer
  563. Katherine McCallum, Lawyer
  564. Ellen McCutcheon, Lawyer
  565. Megan McDowall, Lawyer
  566. Siobhan McDonnell, Lawyer
  567. Laura McDonough, Senior Solicitor
  568. Emily McEwan, Law Graduate
  569. Fiona McGaughey, Associate Professor
  570. Julia McGrath, Lawyer
  571. Dominic McKenna, Lawyer
  572. Laura McKenzie, Lawyer
  573. Alexandra McKinlay, Senior Lawyer
  574. Cian McMahon, Lawyer
  575. Indy McMahon, Lawyer
  576. Sam McNeil, Lawyer
  577. Stephanie Mee, Lawyer
  578. David Mejia-Canales, Lawyer
  579. Jessica Mekhael, Legal Practitioner
  580. Basimah Memon, Lawyer
  581. Josh Mennen, Principal Lawyer
  582. Anais Menounos, Lawyer
  583. Alessandra Meoli, Lawyer
  584. Alice Meredith, Senior Lawyer
  585. Dr Elyse Methven, Senior Lecturer
  586. Gary D Meyers, Professor
  587. Claudia Middleton, Lawyer
  588. Chayana Miers, Lawyer
  589. Jess Mikaelian, Lawyer
  590. Simon Miller, Human rights and Charities Lawyer
  591. Ivan Mitchell, Lawyer
  592. Alissa Moen, Barrister
  593. Abdur Rahman Mohamed, Lawyer
  594. Idil Mohamud, Lawyer
  595. Madina Mohmood, Lawyer
  596. Sonbul Mohseni, Lawyer
  597. Iona Moller, Lawyer
  598. Kathryn Moloney, Lawyer
  599. Osca Monaghan, Lawyer
  600. Dr Rebecca Monson, Professor
  601. Edwin Montoya Zorrilla, Lawyer
  602. Sam Moorhead, Lawyer
  603. Bethany Moore, Lawyer 
  604. Oliver Moore, Solicitor and Academic
  605. Lydia Morgan, Lawyer
  606. Angus Morse, Solicitor
  607. Nicholas Morrison, Lawyer
  608. Anna Morrow, Lawyer
  609. Clare Moss, Criminal Lawyer
  610. Mohamad Mourtada, Senior Associate
  611. Janelle Moussa, Lawyer
  612. Effat Mozumder, Graduate Lawyer
  613. Sifa Mtango, Solicitor
  614. Agnes Muchai, Lawyer
  615. Kamna Muddagouni, Strategic Advocacy Manager
  616. David Mulligan, Barrister 
  617. Patrick Mungar, Lawyer
  618. James Muirhead, Solicitor
  619. Declan Murphy, Barrister
  620. Hannah Murphy, Solicitor 
  621. Jane Murray, Lawyer
  622. Juliette Murray, Lawyer
  623. Kate Murray, Lawyer
  624. Taylor Murray, Lawyer
  625. Perin Mustafa, Lawyer
  626. Mashiat Mustaq, Solicitor
  627. Sha’ar Muta, Lawyer
  628. Marsellina Mutagubya, Lawyer
  629. Anders Mykkeltvedt, Barrister 
  630. Kavya Nagpal, Law Graduate
  631. Mirana Nagy, Lawyer
  632. Al-Shayma Nahya, Lawyer
  633. Priyesha Naidu, Legal Practitioner
  634. Nethmi Nalawattage, Solicitor
  635. Mariyam Zainab Naleemudeen, Law Student
  636. Mohamed Ashmal Naleemudeen, Solicitor
  637. Sophia Nasser, Lawyer
  638. Marina Nasution, Senior Associate
  639. Grace Naug, Senior Advocate
  640. Shakti Nambiar, Barrister
  641. Nayomi Naranpanawa, Lawyer 
  642. Annaleigh Nash, Lawyer
  643. Zahra Nawaz, Educator
  644. Janna Nayeem, Legal Counsel
  645. Waheda Nazari, Law Graduate
  646. Joanne Nehmetallah, Solicitor
  647. Claire Neo, Lawyer
  648. Sanja Nenadic, Solicitor
  649. Tihana Nevjestic, Lawyer
  650. Jennifer Ngo, Associate
  651. Vivian Ngo, Lawyer
  652. Brian Ngugi, Lawyer
  653. Jenny Nguyen, Lawyer
  654. Alex Nichol, Lawyer
  655. Gretta Nicholls, Lawyer 
  656. James Nicholls, Partner
  657. Ashleigh Nicolau, Solicitor
  658. Sarah Nielsen-Harvey, Lawyer
  659. Jazeer Nijamudeen, President of a Legal Practice
  660. Gisela Nip, Barrister
  661. Amelia Noble, Solicitor
  662. Meghann Noble, Senior Lawyer
  663. Justine Nolan, Professor
  664. Zohra Noorani, Solicitor
  665. Rachel Northcott, Solicitor
  666. Fadwa Noureddine, Lawyer
  667. Joseph Nunweek, solicitor, 
  668. Kerry O’Brien, Special Counsel
  669. Melanie O’Brien, Associate Professor
  670. Mollie O’Connor, Solicitor
  671. Melissa O’Donnell, Lawyer
  672. Dan O’Gorman SC, Barrister
  673. Dr Claerwen O’Hara, Lecturer
  674. Ashley Ognenovski, Solicitor
  675. Leah O’Keefe, Senior Associate Lawyer
  676. Katie O’Neill, Lawyer
  677. Jasmine Opdam, Lawyer
  678. Bill O’Shea, Lawyer 
  679. Lizzie O’Shea, Lawyer
  680. Maria O’Sullivan, Associate Professor
  681. Iman Osman, Barrister
  682. Dianne Otto, Professor
  683. Sevil Ozaras, Solicitor
  684. Rae-ann Ozcelik, Senior Lawyer
  685. Kelly Ozuna, Solicitor
  686. Rishika Pai, Solicitor
  687. Neeharika Palachanda, Solicitor
  688. Emma Palmer, Senior Lecturer
  689. Penny Palmer, Legal Governance Risk & Compliance Director
  690. Josh Pallas, Lawyer
  691. Kerry Pallas, Legal Practitioner
  692. Negar Panahi, Principal Managing Lawyer
  693. Rommo Pandit, Senior Associate
  694. Stephanie Panovski, Lawyer
  695. Andrew Papadimitropoulos, Solicitor
  696. Rebecca Park, Senior Associate
  697. Melissa Parke, Lawyer
  698. Maeve Rose Parker, Solicitor
  699. Olivia Parsons, Law Graduate
  700. Raphael Parvin, Lawyer
  701. Rachel Pascall, Solicitor
  702. Nicola Patten, Lawyer
  703. Joshua Paveley, Senior Solicitor
  704. Niaz Payne, Lawyer
  705. Megan Pearce, Lawyer
  706. Danielle Pedersen, Graduate Lawyer
  707. Dr Noam Peleg, Senior Lecturer
  708. Alessandro Pelizzon, Associate Professor
  709. Justin Pen, Barrister
  710. Michael D Pendleton, Emeritus Professor
  711. Lucy Percy, Lawyer
  712. Rhiannon Philp, Lawyer
  713. Danny Philippa, Solicitor
  714. Dr Tamsin Phillipa Paige, Senior Lecturer
  715. Jasmine Pilbrow, Lawyer
  716. Ashleigh Pinto, Lawyer
  717. Lala Pordeli, Director of a Law Firm 
  718. Emily Powe, Lawyer
  719. Luke Power, Solicitor
  720. Olivia Power, Lawyer
  721. Christine Pravasenung, Lawyer
  722. Mikele Prestia, Solicitor
  723. Steph Price, Principal Lawyer
  724. Megan Prictor, Lawyer and Academic
  725. Marc Privitelli, Lawyer
  726. Anusha Puvanendiranathan, Lawyer
  727. Benjamin Pynt, Senior Associate
  728. Zareen Qayyum, Solicitor
  729. Appurva Raaj, Solicitor
  730. Issa Rabaya, Lawyer
  731. Jack Rabl, Criminal Lawyer
  732. Alex Radakovic, Lawyer
  733. Tamim Rahma, Senior Legal Counsel
  734. Jarrod Ralley, Solicitor
  735. Simran Ramchandani, Solicitor
  736. Terrence Rameka, Lawyer
  737. Isabel Ramirez, Solicitor
  738. Asad Rana, Principal Lawyer
  739. Isha Rana, Lawyer
  740. Sarah Rana, Lawyer
  741. Bilal Rauf, Barrister
  742. Ameena Rahimi, Lawyer
  743. Mursal Rahimi, Solicitor
  744. Safa Rahimi, Senior Associate
  745. Sosan Rahimi, Lawyer
  746. Tamim Rahimi, Lawyer
  747. Nilofar Rahmani, Associate Solicitor
  748. Samin Raihan, Lawyer
  749. Abdulla Rahhal, Principal Solicitor
  750. Lamya Rahman, Law Graduate
  751. Felix Ralph, Partner
  752. Jaskiran Randhawa, Solicitor
  753. Merna Rashed, Law Student
  754. Ovi Rajasinghe, Solicitor
  755. Facundo Ramiro Caro, Lawyer
  756. Roba Rayan, Lawyer
  757. Alana Reader, Senior Associate
  758. Gavin Rebetzke, Barrister
  759. Elizabeth Rebolledo, Lawyer
  760. Georgia Regan, Solicitor
  761. Abdur Rehman, Solicitor
  762. Belynda Reid, Law Graduate
  763. Madeleine Reilly, Lawyer
  764. Catherine Renshaw, Professor
  765. Emily Ressia, Legal practitioner
  766. Redab Rhaima, Solicitor
  767. Donald Rhodes, Lawyer
  768. Anne-Marie Ricciardi, Lawyer
  769. Annabel Rigby, Law Student
  770. Marco Rizzi, Associate Professor
  771. Michaela Rhode, Associate Solicitor
  772. Dr Sophie Rigney, Senior Lecturer in Law
  773. Susan Harris Rimmer, Professor
  774. Kate Robinson, Lawyer
  775. Katie Robertson, Lawyer
  776. Jennifer Robinson, Barrister
  777. Caitlin Rodgers, Associate
  778. Paris Roditis, Lawyer
  779. Renata Romeo, Senior Associate
  780. Ashley Rooney, Lawyer
  781. Punam Roopra, Solicitor
  782. Simrat Roopra, Solicitor
  783. Alexandra Rose, Barrister 
  784. Bethany Rose, Senior Solicitor
  785. Callum Rose, Lawyer
  786. Meribah Rose, Associate Lecturer
  787. Sara Rowe, Lawyer
  788. Kristen Roy, Lawyer
  789. Melanie Rudolphus, Lawyer
  790. Self Rumbewas, Barrister 
  791. Indigo Ryan, Solicitor
  792. Diana Sabouni, Solicitor
  793. Yagmur Sabedin, Senior Associate
  794. Sayyid Mustafa Sadat, Associate
  795. Belal Saeid, Lawyer
  796. Saeed Saadie, Solicitor
  797. Anne Sader, Senior Lawyer
  798. Tasnim Saeid, Solicitor
  799. Chloe Saker, Lawyer
  800. Sarah Salman, Solicitor
  801. Ida Samara, Solicitor
  802. Georgia Sands, Lawyer
  803. Haticenur Sanli, Lawyer
  804. Soraya Saikal-Skea, Barrister
  805. Abdullah Saqib, Law Student
  806. Ahmad Sawan, Senior Solicitor
  807. Kerry Sawtell, Solicitor
  808. Monique Sawyer, Lawyer
  809. Diana Sayed, Lawyer
  810. Laila Sayed, Solicitor
  811. Elisa Scarica, Lawyer 
  812. Thomas Schembri, Lawyer
  813. Emily Scott, Lawyer
  814. Phoebe Scott, Associate
  815. Greg Scragg, Barrister
  816. Megan Scull, Law Graduate
  817. Kassem Seedat, Lawyer
  818. Tharani Senadheera, Solicitor 
  819. Omar Seoud, Principal Lawyer
  820. Tamana Shahabi, Lawyer
  821. Diana Shahinyab, Solicitor
  822. Betia Shakiba, Law Graduate
  823. Vanessa Shambrook, Academic
  824. Hector Sharp, Lawyer
  825. Rania Shashati, Lawyer
  826. Meghan Sheehan, Senior Associate
  827. Odette Shenfield, Solicitor
  828. Sally Shera-Jones, Senior Associate
  829. Uzma Sherieff, Solicitor
  830. Vincent Shin, Legal Practitioner
  831. Ann-Louise Shrapnel, Lawyer
  832. Clare Sibraa, Lawyer
  833. Rabia Siddique, Humanitarian Lawyer
  834. Olivera Simic, Associate Professor
  835. Louisa Sinclair, Graduate Lawyer
  836. Teresa Singh, Lawyer
  837. Ammy Singh, Solicitor
  838. Nayomi Sivasubramaniam, Lawyer
  839. Zaina Shahnawaz, Barrister
  840. Sarah Salman, Solicitor
  841. Celeste Shambrook, Barrister
  842. Karl Shami, Solicitor
  843. Sogand Shamsaria, Lawyer
  844. Mandy Shircore, Associate Professor
  845. Dr Steve Shaw, lawyer 
  846. Lydia Shelly, Lawyer 
  847. Sadia Khan Sheikh, Lawyer
  848. Donna Sherwani, Lawyer
  849. Justin Sibley, Director
  850. Mahnoor Sikandar, Lawyer
  851. Emily Sinclair, Lawyer
  852. Priya Singh, Solicitor
  853. Mera Sivanesan, Lawyer
  854. Isabelle Skaburskis, Partner
  855. Wael Skaf, Solicitor
  856. Lachlan Slattery, Senior Legal Counsel (In-house)
  857. Belinda Smith, Associate Professor
  858. Laura Smith-Khan, Research Fellow
  859. Veronica Snip, Lawyer
  860. Tia Snoek, Lawyer
  861. Sonia Soleski, Legal practitioner
  862. Nikhil Sood, Senior Associate
  863. Carolina Soto, Barrister
  864. Amanda Spalding-James, BA BLLB (Hons)
  865. Sarah Spencer, Legal Counsel
  866. Steph Sprott, Lawyer
  867. Shakti Srikanth, Lawyer
  868. Billy Stafford, Solicitor
  869. Shauna Stanley, Lawyer
  870. Eddie Stewart, Solicitor
  871. Ela Stewart, Lawyer
  872. Kane Stewart, Paralegal
  873. Nicholas Stewart, Partner
  874. Miriam Succar, Lawyer
  875. Ramia Abdo Sultan, Solicitor
  876. Renay Sumercan, Lawyer
  877. Jonathan Sumskas, Senior Lawyer
  878. Narissa Suresh, Solicitor
  879. Dr Ozlem Susler, Law Academic
  880. Harita Sridhar, Lawyer
  881. Kylie Stitt, Prosecutor
  882. Linda Steele, Associate Professor
  883. Zulpha Styer, Lawyer
  884. Dali Sulejmani-Blackwell, Solicitor
  885. Michael Swanson, Barrister
  886. Ibrahim Sweedan, Solicitor
  887. Daniella Sweid, Solicitor
  888. Viva Swords, Legal Professional
  889. Hannah Sycamore, Lawyer
  890. Jessica Syed, Solicitor
  891. Muhammad Jarri Haider Syed, Solicitor
  892. Imogen Szumer, Solicitor
  893. Nirvana Taborin, Lawyer
  894. Anna Talbot, Lawyer and PhD Candidate
  895. Abdul Taleb, Lawyer
  896. David Tamanika, Principal Solicitor
  897. Benedict Tan, Barrister
  898. Carolyn Tan, Legal Practitioner 
  899. Jessica Tanna, Lawyer 
  900. Shawanah Tasneem, Lawyer
  901. Zeinab Tawbe, Solicitor
  902. Emily Taylor, Solicitor
  903. Kate Taylor, Lawyer
  904. Jessie Taylor, Barrister
  905. Monica Taylor, Lawyer
  906. Ruby Taylor, Lawyer
  907. Jack Tearle, Solicitor
  908. Muhammad Tehseldar, Lawyer
  909. Karin Temperley, Principal Solicitor
  910. Liana Tenace, Lawyer
  911. Joshua Teng, Lawyer
  912. Elin Teo, Lawyer
  913. Rādhikā Ram Tevita, Legal Counsel
  914. Laura Thomas, Senior Legal Counsel
  915. Rhea Thomas, Solicitor
  916. Emma Tinney, Lawyer
  917. Dajana Todic, Senior Associate
  918. Claire Topsom, Associate
  919. Tash Tourabaly, Lawyer
  920. Marc Trabsky, Associate Professor
  921. Elle Triantafillou, Senior Solicitor
  922. Lucy Tribe, Criminal Lawyer
  923. William Tucker, Senior Solicitor
  924. Peter Turner, Lawyer
  925. Eugene Twomey, Barrister
  926. Dr Tanvir Uddin, Founder and CEO
  927. Hayriye Uluca, Lawyer
  928. Samantha Varghese, Lawyer
  929. Rachel Varshney, Barrister
  930. Michaela Vaughan, Lawyer
  931. Elizabeth Veljkovic, Lawyer
  932. Marcus Vella, Senior Associate
  933. Krithika Venkatraman, Solicitor
  934. Sanmati Verma, Managing Lawyer
  935. Nicholas Vialle, Lawyer
  936. Daniel Victory, Lawyer
  937. Alezka Villaluz, Associate
  938. Erika Vorn, Law Student
  939. Will de Waal, Solicitor
  940. Melody Wagley, Lawyer
  941. Kiara Wagner, Lawyer 
  942. Annette Wahhab, Senior Solicitor
  943. Raihana Wahab, Legal Counsel 
  944. Sarah Waladan, Lawyer
  945. Georgia Walker, Lawyer
  946. Devni Walpola, Solicitor
  947. Lorraine Walsh, Lawyer
  948. Burnet Wang, Lawyer
  949. Amtesh Waraich, Australian Legal Practitioner
  950. Grace Ward, Legal Practitioner
  951. Lawrence Ward, Solicitor
  952. Eliza Waters, Lawyer
  953. Skye Webb, Solicitor
  954. Katy Welch, Lawyer
  955. Penelope Wells, Senior Associate
  956. Jade Werkmeister, Lawyer
  957. Jenavive Westbury, Solicitor
  958. Kerry Weste, Human Rights Lawyer
  959. Dilnesha Wickramathilake, Lawyer
  960. Molly Williams, Principal Lawyer
  961. Dean Willoughby, Lawyer
  962. Kali Wischmann, Legal Practitioner
  963. Christina White, Lawyer
  964. Madeline White, Solicitor
  965. Michelle Whitfield, Lawyer
  966. Alison Whittaker, Senior Researcher
  967. Briony Whyte, Lawyer
  968. Julianne Wilkin, General Counsel
  969. Madelene Wonders, Lawyer
  970. Elisa Wong, Solicitor
  971. Nathaniel Wong, Law Student
  972. Ying Wong, Lawyer
  973. Katie, Wrigley, Principal Solicitor
  974. Beini Wu, Judge’s Associate
  975. Shaun Wyn-Jones, Lawyer
  976. Eileen Yang, Lawyer
  977. Michelle Yang, Lawyer
  978. Kubra Yazici, Lawyer
  979. Alexander Yiannikas, Lawyer
  980. Sofia Yiannikas, Lecturer
  981. Melanie Young, Legal Counsel
  982. Sarah Younis, Senior Associate
  983. Maryam Yousufzai, Lawyer
  984. Amina Youssef, Principal Lawyer
  985. Michelle Yu, Senior Lawyer
  986. Danielle Yung, Solicitor
  987. Maria Zaia, Solicitor
  988. Salma Zafar, Lawyer
  989. Hannan Zahr, Lawyer
  990. Pritha Zaman, Solicitor
  991. Jessica Zarkovic, Lawyer
  992. Matthew Zagor, Associate Professor
  993. Helay Zarmati, Lawyer  
  994. Layal Zbib, Lawyer
  995. Jilnar Zeina, Solicitor
  996. Manny Zhang, Legal Fellow
  997. Rita Zhou, Lawyer
  998. John Zigouras, Lawyer
  999. Ghazi Zoghaib, Solicitor
  1000. Fatma Zreika, Lawyer
  1001. Tom Zreika, Managing Partner
  1002. Muhammad Zreika, Lawyer
  1003. Gayathri Singh, Legal Practitioner Director
  1004. Ismail Essof, Principal Solicitor
  1005. Angus Lang SC, Barrister
  1006. Irfaan Amod, Solicitor
  1007. Greg Martin, Senior Lecuter
  1008. Amer Zaib, Solicitor
  1009. Christie Dunn, Senior Solicitor
  1010. Dr Lorana Bartels, Professor
  1011. Jennifer Lee, Lawyer
  1012. Sophie Hopkins, Solicitor
  1013. Sian Littledale, Lawyer
  1014. Maggie Munn National Director and Human Rights Advocate
  1015. Rachel Thampapillai Barrister
  1016. Gayatri Nair Lawyer 
  1017. Kristy Filev Lawyer
  1018. Kavi Anandasivam Solicitor 
  1019. Sarmad Aljassim Lawyer
  1020. Damien Hazard Lawyer
  1021. Massi Ahmadzay Lawyer
  1022. Shaila Moodley Senior Lawyer
  1023. Rebecca Kirkman Legal Consultant
  1024. Zarina Braybrooke Principal Solicitor 
  1025. Nilufer Naeem Legal Counsel 
  1026. Sonia Haidamous  Associate Lawyer
  1027. Shabnum Cassim Senior Associate 
  1028. Angell Jin Solicitor
  1029. Priyaneetha Paquet Partner
  1030. Nick Newlands Senior Lawyer
  1031. Ivy Keane Senior Lawyer
  1032. Nicola Thomas-Evans Associate
  1033. Hamish McIvor Solicitor
  1034. Laura Irving Lawyer
  1035. Sophie Ellis Lawyer 
  1036. Rachel Athaide Solicitor
  1037. Sam Elkin Community Lawyer
  1038. Camilla Pandolfini  Lawyer
  1039. Sophie Stark  Lawyer
  1040. Leyal Aksu  Legal Practitioner
  1041. Eliza Considine Lawyer 
  1042. Anika Baset Senior Solicitor, Office of the Public Advocate
  1043. Mariam Joumaa Legal practitioner 
  1044. Kym Connell Retired Lawyer
  1045. Emma O’Brien Senior Lawyer
  1046. Mohena Rao Lawyer
  1047. Tufayl Mohamedali Lawyer
  1048. Harry Hilt  Lawyer
  1049. Martyn Gray Lawyer
  1050. Mohit Roy  Lawyer 
  1051. Senthur Rajkumar Solicitor
  1052. Robert Lachowicz Lawyer
  1053. Sophie Delaney  Australian lawyer 
  1054. Melanie Montalban Managing Lawyer
  1055. Jessica Shinnick Lawyer
  1056. Oliver Ray Solicitor
  1057. Ahlam Hijazi Solicitor 
  1058. Divina Moodley Lawyer
  1059. Courtney Law Lawyer
  1060. Stephanie Kortt Associate 
  1061. Waill Hannouf  Solicitor 
  1062. Syed Shah Solicitor
  1063. Carly Baque Solicitor
  1064. Nick Parkinson Solicitor
  1065. Ramisa Raya Lawyer
  1066. Ayse Atalay Solicitor
  1067. Mikail Mermi Solicitor
  1068. Karl Maakasa  Lawyer 
  1069. Huda Waraich Lawyer 
  1070. Sara Mariniello Solicitor
  1071. Michelle Whyte Lawyer
  1072. Sophie Magliano Senior Analyst
  1073. Syeda Rafia Zaman  Legal Officer 
  1074. Sarah Wood Principal Lawyer
  1075. Raneen Hessen Law Graduate
  1076. Vanessa Sporne Solicitor 
  1077. Lani Carter Lawyer 
  1078. Rayaan Mubayyid Solicitor
  1079. Irene Capar Legal Practitioner
  1080. Nazira Sowaid  Lawyer
  1081. Tom Warr Barrister 
  1082. Nadeshda Jayakody International Human Rights Lawyer 
  1083. Madhu Dubey Lawyer
  1084. Hanyah Hanif Abdeen Law student 
  1085. Sarwa Abdelraheem Barrister 
  1086. Pinar Akalanli Lawyer
  1087. Maxine Andronicos Lawyer 
  1088. Sanah Nanda Lawyer
  1089. Laelia Martin Legal Counsel 
  1090. Emma Fell Lawyer
  1091. Karen Stanley Lawyer
  1092. Rebecca Chung Lawyer
  1093. Linda Bajjali  Lawyer 
  1094. Aleksandar Calic Senior Associate
  1095. Tasha Lloyd Lawyer
  1096. Emma Pollett-Sutton Lawyer
  1097. Phoebe Ding Lawyer
  1098. Olivia Harms Lawyer
  1099. Sarah Sajinovic Lawyer
  1100. Salma Khan Lawyer
  1101. Celina Elsusu  Lawyer
  1102. Amina Qureshi  Solicitor 
  1103. Georgia Di Salle Solicitor 
  1104. Noman Farooq  Lawyer
  1105. Vikacha Chongwe Lawyer
  1106. Mathew Chuk Lawyer
  1107. Amanda Peng Law Graduate
  1108. Sarah El Husseini Law Student
  1109. Zoë Thornton Lawyer
  1110. Alexandra Kyriazis Lawyer
  1111. Emily Jamieson Educator, Barrister and Solicitor
  1112. Hiba Al-Haimus Senior Legal Counsel
  1113. James Schofield Barrister (England & Wales) and Australian Lawyer
  1114. Sally Fetouh Lawyer
  1115. Bianca Orsini Solicitor
  1116. Dr Christina Harris Solicitor
  1117. Maya George Lawyer
  1118. Moira Tucker Lawyer
  1119. Justin Ghattas Principal Legal Counsel
  1120. Emily Barnes Mediator
  1121. Nora Sayed Lawyer
  1122. Melinda Bolton Solicitor
  1123. Lillian Graystone  Lawyer
  1124. Lucia Noyce Lawyer
  1125. Kieran Bowling Lawyer
  1126. David Grove Solicitor
  1127. Natalie Powell  Lawyer
  1128. Helen Koustas Australian Lawyer
  1129. Rebecca Lennon Senior Solicitor
  1130. Ruby Priestley Associate
  1131. Dee Divina Lawyer
  1132. Julua Hamel Solicitor (Retired)
  1133. Krystin Low Senior Corporate Counsel
  1134. Linda Awkar Solicitor 
  1135. Emily Ryan Lawyer
  1136. Josephine Choimes Lawyer
  1137. Joshua P Lessing Barrister
  1138. Sarah Lessing Lawyer
  1139. Sophie Dickinson Law Graduate
  1140. Michael Sergent Lawyer
  1141. Angela Fortt Principal Lawyer
  1142. Marcus Clayton Partner
  1143. Alexander Arthur, Lawyer
  1144. Khadija Saad  Lawyer 
  1145. Abdulaziz Mume Lawyer
  1146. Judith Burnet, Solicitor
  1147. Bobbi Murphy Lawyer
  1148. Alina Ali Lawyer
  1149. Sofia Skobeleva Lawyer
  1150. Sanjay Alapakkam Lawyer
  1151. Elsie Richardson  Lawyer 
  1152. Nikki Thomson Lawyer 
  1153. Annette Carey Non Executive Director
  1154. Zane Shahin Law Student
  1155. Layla Sabbah  Law student 
  1156. Nick de Bres Lawyer
  1157. Ruth Groen Australian Lawyer
  1158. Cait Storr Law Lecturer
  1159. Ebony Minicozzi Lawyer
  1160. Haroon Hassan Barrister
  1161. Madelaine Pittle Solicitor 
  1162. Robyn Gilbert, Solicitor
  1163. Mohamed Chaarani  Lawyer 
  1164. Mogahid Ahmed  Lawyer 
  1165. Gregory Horan Barrister
  1166. Fariha Zaima Lawyer
  1167. Sandeep Dhillon Human rights lawyer 
  1168. Jarryd Bartle Lawyer and Associate Lecturer
  1169. Jasmine Joyce  Law graduate 
  1170. Carla Rank Lawyer
  1171. Safiyya Khan Senior Associate
  1172. Carly George Lawyer
  1173. Clarissa Rayward  Lawyer
  1174. Christian Atkinson  Lawyer
  1175. Dr Bruce Lindsay Senior Specialist Lawyer
  1176. Sonia Yeung Lawyer
  1177. Anna Fanelli Lawyer
  1178. Kristina Tato Lawyer 
  1179. Cynthia Lam Lawyer
  1180. Matthew Ilgoutz Lawyer
  1181. Justine Conaty Solicitor
  1182. Melanie Williams  Solicitor
  1183. Madeleine Wilson Lawyer
  1184. Sarah Henkes-Younger Solicitor
  1185. Keyon Bayani Australian lawyer
  1186. Jessica Wright Lawyer
  1187. Lisa Kobayashi Solicitor 
  1188. Cara Cross Law Student 
  1189. Alexandra Tomasini Solicitor
  1190. Dr Colin JAMES Solicitor and Honorary Senior Lecturer
  1191. Amanda Eid Lawyer
  1192. Roland Browne Lawyer
  1193. Timothy Maxwell Barrister
  1194. Renzo Tweedie Lawyer
  1195. Angelica Nippard Lawyer
  1196. Destiny Valencia  Solicitor 
  1197. Jessica Flatters Lawyer
  1198. Seb O’Meara Lawyer
  1199. Lauren Stubbs  Associate 
  1200. Thomas Singleton Lawyer
  1201. Robert Boz Lawyer
  1202. Shayla Strapps  Lawyer 
  1203. Eleanor Clifford Lawyer
  1204. Kelly Leydon Lawyer
  1205. Aiman El-Roubaei Principal Solicitor
  1206. Alexandra Rafail Law Graduate
  1207. Kosta Pasialis Lawyer
  1208. Uzma Shahzad  Senior Associate 
  1209. Paul Smyth Solicitor
  1210. Dr Lily O’Neill Legal Researcher
  1211. Melanie Bramich Lawyer
  1212. Sadie Burton Lawyer
  1213. Kajhal McIntyre Solicitor
  1214. Michael F Sharkey Barrister
  1215. Ada Sculthorp Lawyer
  1216. Sarah Ahmed Principal Solicitor
  1217. Caitlin McCombe Senior Counsel
  1218. Katelyn Rossiter Law Student
  1219. Hana Sarac Solicitor
  1220. Janelle Koh Policy Officer
  1221. Rikki Stanley Barrister’s Clerk
  1222. Mia Parkes-Talbot Associate
  1223. Siang Jin Law Solicitor
  1224. James Joseph Ryan  Solicitor
  1225. Tegan McMahon Solicitor
  1226. Maria Canon Law Graduate
  1227. Megane Janssen Graduate Lawyer
  1228. Kristian Bolwell Solicitor
  1229. Amelia Jones Lawyer
  1230. Abigail Gallagher Solicitor
  1231. Claire Grant Law Graduate 
  1232. Pelin Ersoy Solicitor 
  1233. Sophie Quinn Senior Lawyer
  1234. Abbey Wightley Lawyer
  1235. Hannah Sandrini Lawyer
  1236. Yassar Khan Director
  1237. Nikola Henkul  Solicitor 
  1238. Ellen FitzGerald Lawyer
  1239. David Longano Associate Solicitor
  1240. Imogen McKay  Lawyer 
  1241. Zemyna Kuliukas  Associate 
  1242. Anica Cunanan Lawyer
  1243. Emilia Currey Lawyer
  1244. Michelle Karim  Solicitor 
  1245. Anton Pavic  Lawyer 
  1246. Tamara Seatovic Law Graduate
  1247. Louise de Plater Lawyer
  1248. Robyn Lewis  Lawyer
  1249. Lauren Reed Principal Solicitor
  1250. Shevaun Wright Solicitor 
  1251. Abdul Kader Moukaddem Solicitor
  1252. Maggie McGowan Australian Lawyer
  1253. Leanne Ho Human Rights Lawyer
  1254. Kane Elder Lawyer
  1255. Rabia Javed-May Lawyer 
  1256. Linh Nguyen Volunteer Lawyer
  1257. Michael Mylonas Law Student
  1258. Alexander Smith Lawyer
  1259. Beenush Khokhar  Lawyer 
  1260. Esther Chen Lawyer
  1261. Myumee Hossain  Lawyer
  1262. Christina Dahdal Senior Paralegal
  1263. Isabel Kallinosis Criminal lawyer
  1264. Emily Clark Barrister
  1265. Stephanie Mahon Senior Lawyer
  1266. Kerrie Wood Lawyer
  1267. Dr Ben Carrick Lawyer
  1268. Bethany Butchers Associate Lecturer in Law
  1269. Sahar Ansari Paralegal and Law Student
  1270. Kelsi Forrest Principal Lawyer
  1271. Ian Leader-Elliott Retired Academic Lawyer
  1272. Pedram Mohseni Associate 
  1273. Anna Blacket Solicitor
  1274. Helen Burnside Lawyer
  1275. Elias Norman Legal Practitioner
  1276. Maha Melhem Lawyer
  1277. Lisa De Ferrari SC Barrister
  1278. Nirupama Sivakumar Lawyer and Public Servant 
  1279. Roxanne Moore Lawyer and Campaigner
  1280. Freshta Nawabi Lawyer
  1281. Lachlan Ellison Lawyer
  1282. Minuri Dharmasena Solicitor
  1283. Mayoori Nadesan Lawyer
  1284. Erin Upson Solicitor
  1285. Mary O’Callaghan Lawyer
  1286. Rosie Kapur Solicitor
  1287. Siobhan McGreal  Solicitor 
  1288. Sam Hamilton Lindsay Solicitor
  1289. Jocelyn Aboud Solicitor 
  1290. Usman Naveed Solicitor 
  1291. Lucy Andressen Lawyer
  1292. Shivani Sankaran Solicitor
  1293. Wasif Khan Lawyer
  1294. Indah Ahmad Solicitor
  1295. Ojasvi Pujari Law Student
  1296. Cameron Doig Lawyer
  1297. James Hogan Lawyer
  1298. Gabrielle Verhagen Lawyer
  1299. Aimee Dartnall Associate
  1300. Dr Joshua Curtis Law Lecturer
  1301. Siddharth Narrain Lecturer, Adelaide Law School
  1302. Carolyn Gill Solicitor
  1303. Michelle Macdonald Solicitor
  1304. Christina Vassiliou Solicitor
  1305. Bridget Barnett, Solicitor
  1306. Melissa Perrin-Smith, Law Student 
  1307. Veronica Love, Solicitor
  1308. Alex Dimakopoulos, Lawyer
  1309. Marta Mamarot, Solicitor
  1310. Alison Drayton, Legal Practitioner Director
  1311. Danielle Merlino, Legal Counsel 
  1312. Marian Lamattina, Barrister and Solicitor
  1313. Felix Jones, Law Clerk
  1314. Jen Lynch, Lawyer
  1315. Alice Berkeley, Solicitor
  1316. Matthew Hamilton, Legal caseworker 
  1317. Sarah Dunstan, Lawyer
  1318. Sarah Truter, Solicitor 
  1319. Amelia van Ewijk, Senior Lawyer
  1320. Danielle Corden, Special Counsel
  1321. Christie Jones, Barrister
  1322. Sarah Sorsby, Deputy General Counsel  
  1323. Kcasey McLoughlin, Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Law School
  1324. Eloise Langoulant, Senior Investigator (Legal)
  1325. Irene Baghoomians, Academic
  1326. Jessica Wray, Solicitor
  1327. Simon Mason Legal Practitioner
  1328. Eliana Ugolini, Legal Counsel
  1329. Amanda Alassad-Bruun, Lawyer
  1330. Shafqat Bhatti, Advocate
  1331. Faréal Dadouch Trad, Principal
  1332. Alyssia Totham, Lawyer
  1333. Lucy Halliday, Solicitor
  1334. Haroun Sekmani, Lawyer
  1335. Daphne Fong, Litigation Paralegal
  1336. Zaynab Aly, Law Graduate
  1337. Coco Garner Davis, Lawyer
  1338. Ebru Campos, Senior Associate 
  1339. Rebecca Mathews, Lawyer
  1340. Khashif Jadwat, Graduate Lawyer
  1341. Khodr Ghantous, Lawyer
  1342. Alina El-Jawhari, Solicitor
  1343. Ellen Howard, Managing Lawyer
  1344. Rex Yuan, Solicitor 
  1345. Charlotte Ward, Lawyer
  1346. Tayyaba Moosani, Law Student 
  1347. Dania Ammouche, Legal Counsel
  1348. Dr Aidan Ricketts, Lecturer
  1349. Rachel Tomassen, Lawyer
  1350. Shujat Mantoo, Principal Lawyer
  1351. Afshan Mantoo, Lawyer
  1352. Natalia Szablewska, Professor
  1353. Umar Rashid, Junior Solicitor 
  1354. Meghan Fitzgerald, Lawyer
  1355. Ronja Sen, Australian lawyer 
  1356. Lucy Higgins, Lawyer
  1357. Jessica Musulin, Law Graduate 
  1358. Rida Idris, Law Interpretation Officer/Law Student
  1359. Zephyr Hicks, Lawyer
  1360. Nikki Wawryk, Lawyer
  1361. Tia Hawli, Solicitor
  1362. Sarah Power, Solicitor 
  1363. Peter Azam, Lawyer
  1364. Hael Musa, Lawyer
  1365. Roula Moussa, Lawyer
  1366. Sayed Rahmatullah Hussainizada, Principal Lawyer
  1367. Muluka Said, Lawyer
  1368. Arlia Fleming, CEO
  1369. Lynn Stocker, Law Graduate 
  1370. Fatima Arifeen, Law Graduate
  1371. Emily Humphreys, Lawyer 
  1372. Arjun Chhabra, Barrister
  1373. Mick Power, Lawyer
  1374. Louis Gasparinatos, Lawyer
  1375. Osman Samin  Principal Lawyer
  1376. Diana Saada, Solicitor 
  1377. Melinda Jones, President and lawyer 
  1378. Arabella Close Lawyer
  1379. Andrew Imrie, Barrister
  1380. Ayeisha Mugabi, Law Graduate
  1381. Nada Elagha, Lawyer
  1382. Jessica Willard, Barrister 
  1383. Gina Tilley, Special Counsel
  1384. Balawyn Jones, Lecturer
  1385. Farah Alameddine, Law Student
  1386. Edwina Rabahi, Lawyer
  1387. Karen Gurney, Retired Principal Lawyer
  1388. Elizabeth Riekert, Lawyer
  1389. Rumeysa Cerrah, Solicitor
  1390. Declan McGavin, Solicitor 
  1391. Katelyn Jones, Lawyer
  1392. Danielle Hutchinson, Academic 
  1393. Wazhma Sultanzada, Principal Solicitor 
  1394. Annelise Willis, Graduate Lawyer
  1395. Julie Rosenberg, Law Student
  1396. Linda M. Ryle, Lawyer
  1397. William Hettrick, Lawyer
  1398. Courtney Bristow, Solicitor
  1399. Angela Di Carluccio, Solicitor
  1400. Sophie Brown, Senior Associate
  1401. Daniella Pratt, Lawyer